Gerald's respite was only momentary, for his aunt exclaimed, "Please tug down the hem of your frock, Gerald. You are making a most immodest display of your undies. Of course, we know you enjoy showing off your pretty panties and pettis, but it is most unladylike to do so at tea,"

Gerald hastily pressed down his skirts, folding his hands meekly on them. He presented a pratty picture sitting there so demurely, stiffly erect, the corset preventing any boyish slump, daintily slippered feet placed flat on the floor, with knees and heels together modestly.

While the ladies enjoyed their tea and cakes, Gerald was obliged to console himself with a small biscuit and a glass of tepid milk.

His ordeal ended at long last when Mrs. Smythe rose to her feet, declaring she simply must take her departure. Gerald hurriedly got up, smoothing out his skirts.

As Mrs. Smythe reached the entrance to the room, she turned to remark, "Nancy will be so delighted when she learns you have invited her to come over and play some afternoon soon."

"Thank you, Mrs. Smythe," Gerald said.


28 -

He tried to smile at the horrible woman as he dropped a graceful curtsey.

The ladies had scarcely left the room when Josie entered, preparing to remove the tea things.

"I'll take care of you shortly, you ungrateful boy," she hissed.

"But, Josie



"Not another word, please!" The tone of Josie's voice caused Gerald to wince. In another few short moments, Josie returned and took a firm grip on Gerald's arm, propelling him ungraciously from the drawing room.


"I'm sorry, Josie.

Honest, I am!" he

"I can assure you it won't happen again, once I have finished with you," she said.

"Oh, please, Josie. You won't hurt me, will you?" he sobbed.

"Enough!" Josie said.

"You'll learn

your fate in due time. You'll see how Josie calms boyish spirits!"
